hello from the jersey shore

maryann momhen

5 Years
Jun 24, 2014
new jersey
So on Easter Sunday a friend of ours surprised me with 2 baby Barred Rock chicks....well a little bigger than chicks about 3 weeks old I think. I've never had chickens before so I knew nothing but being a backyard bird lover I immediately fell in love with them.. the only pets I've ever had were hamsters and a bunny.. all I had to keep them in was the bunny cage..and the only thing I had to feed them was birdseed which they wouldnt touch..corn on the cob which they gobbled up as long as I cut it off the cob..cheerios which they loved if I crushed them up and their favorite was dried meal worms...
you should get them some starter grower chick feed...as they grow they will need something bigger then a bunny cage.....and make sure to give them clean water....good luck
Oh yes! That was 9 weeks ago...we went out the next day and got them starter feed and we kept them in a bunny cage till about 4 weeks ago and when it got above 60 at night my wonderful husband built them an awesome 3 story 10 by 6 cage double fenced so the hawks don't get them !! I was trying to post some pics but my phone wouldn't do it....ill post them aftter I figure out how...my daughter named them aziraphale and crowley ....any neil gaiman fans...

Welcome to BYC!

Congrats on the new chicks!! They are so much fun to watch grow! I have some 8 week old Barred Rocks too this year. Can't wait to mix then into the big flock.

Enjoy your new babies and this great adventure and welcome to our flock!

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