Hello from TN!


Aug 28, 2016
Knoxville, Tennessee
Hi all! I kept seeing this forum popping up in my research on duck keeping. I've got 3 drakes right now. Looking to get more babies in the future and I'm trying to build up my confidence to get straight run ducklings. I'm nervous about dealing with the aspects of eggs and mating but one day I'm excited to try hatching ducklings- either with a broody mama or in an incubator. Looking forward to learning all I can from you that have "been there and done that"!
Greetings from Kansas, SlipperyGoose, and :welcome. Happy you joined our flock. Mating doesn't have to mean ducklings...the eggs have to be incubated for days and days and days. Just collect them from under the hen and no incubation. Good luck to you and your flock. Oh, and if you want to chat with fellow Volunteers, you can find the link in this forum https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/26/where-am-i-where-are-you
I love how messy they are! lol. I did tons of basic research on needs and all that, and I got Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks by Dave Holderread. But having these 3 as ducklings showed me that just 3 ducks and a bowl of water can very quickly turn into a full scale mud pit! I love to sit on my patio and watch them forage and play in the pool. They're awesome!

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