Hello from Vancouver Island, BC, Canada!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 6, 2012
Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
Hello everyone!

My name is Melissa and I am from Vancouver Island, BC. I visit this site quite frequently but am now taking the plunge and creating an account. I am the owner of: 2 black australorps, 2 light brahmas, 2 silver laced wyandottes, 6 buff orpingtons, silkies (4 white, 1 partridge, 1 blue), 2 frizzles, and this one little bantam that is cute as a button but I have absolutely no clue what she is. Also a doberman, two cats, a lionhead bunny, and a horse.

I. Do not. Need Any. More. Pets.

I got started with chickens last year when my friend gave me two of her australorps for my birthday! Best gift ever! And now I am in love with anything that has feathers thanks to her..... and YOU guys for posting all of your cute photos....... :)

Thanks for having me here! You are all a wealth of knowledge and I look forward to learning a ton!

Hope you enjoy your summer!

Hello and welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us!
Hi and :welcome

(from Australia, so it's winter here lol :p)
It's great you decided to join up! Sounds like a great group of pets you have.
Enjoy your summer!! :D

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