Hello from WA!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 24, 2012
Spokane WA
Hi everyone!

This year I built my first chicken coop after lots of surfing the net for information. I have actually visited this sight many times and left with useful information but never signed up. Now that my chickens have started laying and predators have been roaming around I figured it was time to further my knowledge. I am looking forward to understanding more about the birds nutritional requirements and having conversations with the knowledgable folks on the board.

Greetings from Kansas, Greg, and
! Great to have you aboard and congratulations on your coop! Always a satisfying feeling! A geat way to learn is The Learning Center tab up above as well as the various forums - so much free information! Best of luck to you!!
Thanks guys! Building my own coop, raising chickens and finally being able to gather eggs in the mornings has been a very rewarding experience thus far. There is nothing in the world better than being self reliant/sufficient. :)

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