Hello from Washington!


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 10, 2012
Olympia, WA
Hello all! My name is Brittany, and I'm up here at the base of the Puget Sound in Washington. I have a zoo at home .. a couple parrots, cats, dogs, tarantulas. My boyfriend and I breed Ball Pythons, and so we have a room just for the snakes, and our garage is full of rat racks. Aside from all the other critters, I've wanted chickens ever since reading a book by Sy Montgomery called Birdology (if you haven't read it, you should!). There are 7 chapters, and each is about a characteristic about birds. Each chapter/characteristic is represtented by a particular species. The first chapter is called "Birds Are Individuals" and chickens are the stars.

Now that I am in a place where I can house them I've jumped on the chicken train. Unfortunately, my first chicken experience was met with tragedy.. I had a black sexlink and a rhode island red (my avatar)... and both were attacked by my dogs after they got through the fence. I now have a large dog run, wrapped in poultry netting and with more poultry netting and a tarp over the top. I've checked everywhere for holes and gaps, and I'm convinced I now have a bomb shelter fit for chickens. I'm in the process of constructing a coop, and have a to scale model made out of sticky notes and toothpicks (really.. sometimes work gets boring).

I have 3 new chicks (Buff Orpington, Wyandotte, an unsexed banty.. that I believe is some sort of english game) in the brooder, and a couple ducks (chocolate and indian runners) on the way. I'm excited to see them grow up and I'm convinced I have a much better enclosure than before. I'm excited to be a part of this forum!
from washington state glad you joined us!

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