Hello from West Texas!


6 Years
Apr 8, 2013
Fort Worth, Texas
Hi y'all!

My husband and I are looking for our first chickens and are in the process of building a coop. We live in Midland, Texas and they only allow you to have 4 hens within the city limits. I came across this forum in a google search, and hope that it will help to answer the many questions that I know will come up as new "chicken tenders"! I am currently in graduate school (stay at home and do school online), so I will be around to tend to the ladies. Our dogs are our children, Lucy (brittany spaniel), Lilly (lab), and Oliver (sheltie). I look forward in hearing from you and sharing my experience!
I also live in west texas. up north in the panhandle. I was looking for some help also and I dont know if im going about it wrong but I cant seem to get cats to answer questions on here. anyway hello and let me know if I can help you with anything
I'm in Colorado City, TX here. I will try to help with any questions you may have. Just got my chickens after a 20 year hiatus. I've only lived in Texas for a little over a year, so there are many things I am not too sure about out here. Hope to be hearing from you soon.

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