Hello! From WV


6 Years
Feb 9, 2015
West Virginia
Hi everyone, I'm new to this. I have always loved chickens as long as I can remember. In the community by many Im known as Ellie-May. I got this name when my chickens starting taking rides through the neighborhood on my shoulders. Im actually hatching some eggs right now. 19 hatched and 2 eggs still in the incubator. I posted a picture of my newbies and of the barn, pond, and my other feathered friends. My 8 year old daughter made the baby chicks house for them:D


I'm wanting to get a few guineas but am afraid they will travel to neighbors homes and try an take up residents there!
the guineas are wanderers. I clip mines wings and keep them in the fence to keep them home. They can fly in very large trees too if they are free ranged. I have them because they keep down insects, and baby snakes. I even saw one eat a barn mouse. They are useful creatures. Hope it works out. If you get some at least pin them for a couple weeks so they will know where the food and home is.
Clipping wings? Is that hard to do and at what age do you clip wings? Snake thing is another reason I want some...scared to go to chicken coop after it is built and seeing one...Terrified of the things! Don't wanna be shooting up my coop or burning it down.
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! You have a lovely mixed flock there! And your chicks are gorgeous. Be sure to ask any questions that you may have, everyone here to help and very friendly. Hope you enjoy BYC, I am sure you will :frow
Thanks, nice to talk about common interest. Husband not big on hearing about the flock all the time. Oh and clipping the wings is easy, and can do it soon as chicks get flighty. I put my fingers between the wing feathers to see where the skin is. Clip any feathers on the side opposite of the skin. You don't have to even clip both wings. Clipping one sets them off balance so flights not possible.
Welcome to BYC!
I'm glad you joined us.

It looks like you have a nice flock! I'd love to have geese, ducks, and Guinea Fowl (but don't have the space, sadly). Good luck with your birds.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to our flock. You have a beautiful flock. Thanks for posting the pics. :eek:) Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your flock.

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