Hello, I'm Miglena.


In the Brooder
Jun 7, 2016
I am new here and new with ducks. I have 7 Mallard ducklings. Four of them are one month old and the other three are a week old.
I've tried to post a thread in Ducks, but i couldn't. So if i could ask you for some help. I had one more duckling(died yesterday) and today i noticed that the three younger ducklings are somekind of swollen. I touched their bellies and they were hard, with some mass in the intestines i think. I thought it was from the food (chicken starter) so today i gave them just cucumber and plenty of water. Two of the ducklings pooped somekind of veryyy hard poop. And then their bellies became normal. The other one is not pooping at all. So is there something i can do to help him?
Sorry for the long post, i don't have a vet who is into ducklings near me.
- Miglena
It should allow you to post on the duck thread. You may post on the "emergencies, diseases, injuries, cures," thread. It sounds like they are badly constipated. Are they getting enough water to drink? Do any of them have poo stuck on their behinds = pasty butt, which can prevent them from pooping. They will die, if they cannot poop. Even baby puppies can have the poop blockage, if their mothers don't keep them cleaned off.

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