Hello I'm new and need help


6 Years
May 12, 2013
I'm doing my first chick hatch . I had 24 eggs, 12 duck and 12 chicks . After 14 days I candled only 3 ducks made it and 8 chick . Today day 22 I hear peeping out of 3 of the chicks and one had pipped its been in there 24 hours and still no progress but the one tiniest pipp so after reading a couple forms I desided to help a little I helped peel a little away and I think the chick is shrink wrapped any help what I should do ill feel bad if it dies bc I helped too much
I can't help you with your problem...I'm doing my first hatch myself...I can say welcome to BYC and hopefully someone will come along to give you some advice...I hope it works out for you.
Have you checked out the "Raising backyard chickens" thread - go to the one on incubating and hatching which should be of help. I don't think making a little bigger hole will hurt the chick as long as it didn't cause bleeding. If the head is near the opening - it will be getting air, so you can wait to see if it hatches on it's own.

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