Hello, I'm new here and have a male/female question. Please help.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 7, 2014
Norfolk, UK
Hi, I'm new to keeping chickens and new to BYC. I have 3 silkies; Nugget, Fluffy and Margaret and 1 cream legbar called Diamond and they are approximately 19 weeks old although I've only had them around 7 weeks. During this time I have done a fair bit of research online to answer questions I have had and found that most of the time I had been finding my answers from BYC pages so today I have decided to join the community. :D

I had to exchange one of my chickens a few weeks ago as it turned out to be a cockerel and I wanted all hens. The replacement, I am confident, is a hen however I am starting to suspect another member of my backyard gang may be a male. It hasn't crowed, is not dominant over the others and does not have similar features to the one I replaced (i.e the same saddle feathers or spikey feathers on the top of its head) but it has started to develop a comb very similar and it has only developed over the last week or so. None of my chickens are laying yet either.

Sorry, if I'm being vague, I'm not very knowledgable with chickens but I want to learn, please have a look at the photos and let me know if you can tell if it's a male or female just from looking.


Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

That looks like a pullet. She is lovely! But you can ask again here https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/15/what-breed-or-gender-is-this

Spurs are a poor gender indicator so never judge gender by spurs. Hens can get some pretty nasty ones while roosters may only get a stub.

Great to have you join!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! X2, on try the What Breed/Gender forum and she does look like a pullet if she is 19 weeks, but crested birds and Silkie mixes are good at fooling you.
As Kelsie said crested birds can be tough to sex.

Comb and color, and hackle feathers are the best way to tell sex (difficult with crested and fluffy birds), stance is also a good indicator in pics. The bird you pictured as a low, round, stance, as well as a dark pink comb (rather than red), the combs will darken on most females as they get closer to laying. Some breeds the hens combs are as red and large as a roo of other breeds! I agree that this lovely bird looks like a pullet that is getting closer to laying.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

I don't know either. But this is a very pretty bird! :)

Welcome to our flock!

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