Hello -- In need of some opinions .....

Hawks tend to avoid geese. A hawk could easily kill a goose much larger than it, but the risk of injury is too high.
We had a lot of hawks this fall. Between my rooster and my dog we were very lucky not to have any injuries to the chickens or the ducks. A rooster will cackle the hawk alert and the hens will usually hide and the ducks are allerted. My dog will chase hawks when he sees them swooping down and he also checks the yard when he hears the rooster doing the hawk allert. If I hear the rooster cackling I will run out of the house. I feel a lot safer when I know the dog is in the yard guarding the ducks and chickens.
I had the same idea (letting them free range but keep stuff around for protection) but, I believe this hawk snuck up on my Lucy when she was sleeping under one of these areas as that is where I found her. My neighbor told me she saw the hawk watching the ducks a few days before. I think this hawk stalked my ducks to figure out their sleep schedule and where they go and the best place to try and nab one. My yard has attracted a lot of hawks since getting the ducks. I decided to enlarge their pen so I feel like they have a good amount of room to "stretch their wings" but I can feel comfortable they are safe
i do agree that the ducks seemed oblivious to aerial predators until one tries to nab them. I had hawks swoop out of the sky trying to nab them in the past but, they missed. Then my ducks were ALWAYS looking above. By the way, I do have Ricky in the house with me. I have a large dog pen for him. I let him walk around certain parts of the house during the day. I also take him outside.
Hawks tend to avoid geese. A hawk could easily kill a goose much larger than it, but the risk of injury is too high.
Thank you..........I will not be getting a goose. I do not want another one to feed or clean up after either. With only 6 ducks, I am able too keep the area small. When we do the fence, I will cover the top with netting of some sort and supervise them for 1 hour a day if they are out in the open. lots of great opinions. thanks .
I would advise against geese too lol I love mine but man he is so LOUD and MESSY and BOSSY :) he's a good guard dog if you don't mind your guests being tackled

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