Hello, new to BYC


In the Brooder
Jul 12, 2015
Hi BYC members,

I recently joined BYC because I have been getting great info from this site since getting my chicks and decided it was time to join.
We are pretty much obsessed with our small flock and anytime I am lost I come to this site.
I am already receiving feedback on a post I made yesterday regarding the cleanliness of my coop/run.
We live in Hawaii and have 5 young hens and 2 young roosters.

It started with me finding an abandoned baby chick in a parking lot and bringing it home.
It was a couple days old at most so we bought two baby chicks to keep it company.
Sadly, the first little chick passed away but we still have the other two. They are our silkie bantams ("Jesus" and "Wanita/Juanita").
After, we decided to expand the flock and we got a male rhode island red ("smoov-e") and one female red ("Ruca"),
as well as two female barred plymoth rocks ("cupcake" and "crabcake/crabby")
and one female ameraucana ("Neco").

Currently they are all about 5 weeks old but the silkie bantams are a couple weeks older.
We love our chickens and look forward to learning more about raising chickens.

The more I find out about chickens the more addicted it becomes, however it has also been a challenge,
which is why BYC is so helpful.



Welcome to BYC!!!
Glad you could join! Hope you enjoy it and good luck with your chickens!
Aloha, and welcome to BYC, Chow and Kaze. Glad you decided to join our flock. Which part of Hawaii do you live in? I lived on the big island for two years, and have lived on Oahu for the past 21 years. If you haven't done so already, definitely check out our Learning Center at https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/1/Learning_Center. There is loads of useful information there. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck wi' da flock.

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