Hello there, from South West Florida!

Krs Yng Chicks

7 Years
Jul 7, 2016
South West Florida
Well, where to start... a little about me.... It has been a long time I've wanted chickens and moved to the country for this. Then, I ended up being a baby sitter for my neighbors chickens, she travels often. Sooooo, seemed silly to buy the cow when I was getting all the milk I needed!

Fast forward to my neighbor is moving and giving me all her chickens and the coop! I am feeling overwhelmed, happy, no thrilled to death actually, but scared. One thing collecting eggs, letting them in/out and feeding, another is having all the responsibility to keep them safe and healthy. They free range all day.

These are French Marans, a very beautiful breed. There is the old cock, he stands up past my knees, but is beautiful and takes very good care of the flock. There is an older grey hen that gives very dark eggs, but probably due to the heat isn't producing these days, or she just may be old and tired. The other 3 younger hens are producing very little, probably the heat, been in the 100's here lately. There are a number of pullets/cockerals, bringing the total to 13.

My dream is to own Heritage chickens, but that may be down the road some. I have my hands full and the learning curve is steep. Expect to see me around asking millions of questions.

I am still taking care of them on their property. Hubby is building a new coop and run for them and I will use the older one I am given for eventual younger ones or perhaps a different breed. I am in no hurry, I have so much to learn yet.
Well, it is good to finally stop lurking and be here where I belong, among chicken friendly people.

Thank you for having me!

Welcome to BYC
Glad you joined the flock!
Hi :welcome Kris

Glad you could join us here! I'm sure you will do just fine :D Everyone here to help you all the way with any questions that you may have. Wishing you the very best of luck and enjoy your time here on BYC :frow

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