

In the Brooder
Oct 23, 2015
Hi there, I'm Andy. I've had chickens on and off over the years. Im turning 32 soon, and this is my 4th flock I've had. I took a near 10 year break between flock 2 and 3. I was in rural Pennsylvania when I had my first two flocks when I was 15 to 20. I kept Rhode Islands at the time since they were the easiest to get in the area. I joined the service, & finally last year got a chance to get chickens again. I was transferred a flock of 20 from the old homeowner, and ended up keeping 7 of them (which is my legal limit here). 1 Buff, 6 RIRs. The RIRs I liked, however, my daughter loved my Buff Orpington, so we ended up giving the Rhode Islands to the same farmer who got the other 13. Raised an additional 10 Buffs, (2 which turned out to be males in a hen run of chicks), and gave the 2 roosters & 2 hens to the farmer. So, I can definitely, say, he'd made out like a bandit. My old Buff was the wall flower, and ended up being Momma hen, showing the chicks what they can and cant eat and cuddled them up at night after I moved them outside (5weeks old). Today, they're almost fully grown and looking good. For the longest time they were timid, but now they walk right up to me, and I can pick em up and pet them without them freaking out.

I've had the following breeds:
Rhode Island Reds
Buff Orpingtons
Red Sexling
Plymoth Rocks

When I move to either Mississippi/Alabama, Georgia/Florida or Wyoming, I plan on increasing my flock size to 30, maybe 50 tops with a few Roosters. I found this site by looking up comparisons of how to warm chicken coops today efficiently. I've considered getting an emitter over a red light. I'm aware some use 100w Light bulbs, but that's too much light and typically ticks off the hens. (I wish I could do no light and just use a water heater, but consistently here, we get negative temps in the winter time on some days). However, I plan on mostly automating my coop heating by using a water heater from 35-45 degrees, and the light will kick on from 0 and turn off at 10.

I am considering getting an automatic door setup off a photo cell. However, I've heard mixed reviews on them. Currently my coop stays open all the time, and the run is totally enclosed, with a 6" section of chicken wire in the ground around the run to prevent digging.

In my free time, currently, I'm messing with Mechatronics, Robotics, & other Electronics as well as go to college for an electronics Engineering degree. I lift & go shooting quite often. I'm remodeling parts of my house, as well as building a new 6ft fence in the back. I did sign making & vinyl graphics for 7 years, and still have my equipment in the garage which I still do on occasion.

Currently 32, Married, 1 Daughter (5) and my son will be born in approx. 1 month. My wife works for the schools as a Paraprofessional, I'm a SSgt (E-5) in the Air Force doing Electronics Maintenance on ATCALS equipment (Air Traffic Control & Landing Systems) basically, 90% of what air traffic controllers use, I work on. We have 3 cats, Halo (6), Tabby (2 1/2), & Princess Monster Truck (2).

Looking forward to reading some discussions.
Welcome to BYC!
Hi Andy

Thank you for that nice introduction, it was interesting. I'm a RIR fan too but currently only have 1 in my mixed flock of 10 birds. They are good layers and mine have always been good natured girls. It's nice you could get back into poultry again and I think your experience will be helpful around here with so many new people raising chickens and asking questions.

I got a chuckle out of your chicken's names...by any chance did your 5-yo help with that?
If your daughter enjoys the chickens, we have a photography contest going on until the end of the month; the theme is "Family & Fowl". The link is in my signature line if you would like to take a look at rules and entries so far.

It's nice you joined us and I look forward to seeing more of your posts!
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. Raising chickens is a wonderful experience for children. Our children and granddaughter (pictured in my avatar) loved our chickens and made lap pets of the calmer and more gentle breeds. If you haven't done so already, definitely check out our Learning Center at https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/1/Learning_Center. There is lots of useful information there. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Cheers.
Hi Andy,

Thanks for the super intro :frow  Hope to be hearing more about your flock after the move and post photo's, we love photo's :D

Heres a pic of my gurls ripping up a bread bowl. Tgeir run is basically a bird playpen. Im looking at adding a swing for them later. They have a three teir roost outside, a log n hill, a table to hide under, a chair to go under or sit on. Their coop is also 4x8 floor size but its built vertical to give them more useable space when its cold out. My RIR flock too from when the coop was brand new at the start of winter (wasnt completely built but it kept them warm).

Theres a few pics in there of my rooster paulie. Unfortunatly he went to the farm with the other rooster ivan. Ill be out there to see em in a few weeks tho. The tiny guy is from when paulie was a few weeks old. I had a feeling after a few weeks hed be a rooster. Hes got very good golden color now and a straight back. I may show him later on if hos coat pans out to look really nice when hes done growing. The most recent pic i have of him is the one with his sickle feathers just starting to come through
Nice to meet you Andy, and welcome to Backyard chickens. I enjoyed your intro and would like to sincerely thank you for your years in service.

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