

In the Brooder
Mar 10, 2021
Hi! I’m Lisa and a newbie here on Backyard Chickens🤗
I have been wanting chickens for 5 years and am very excited about finally making this happen. I have 5 chicks arriving in May. 2 white Cochins, 1 blue Orpington, 1 lavender Orpington and 1 Dominique. Our neighborhood allows up to 6 hens and no roosters. Originally I thought I would get 3 but decided on 5. here I don’t even have chickens and chicken math has already started lol
I Decided on the hens above because from research they are generally known for their docile, friendly and quietness (for a chicken). We have several young little grands and want the most friendly of breeds.
If any of you seasoned chicken keepers have thoughts on the flock I’ve chosen I’m happy to hear.... I’ve hear “ birds of a feather flock together“. Since I only have 1 Dominique breed in the flock will she be picked on? Just a thought. I can still switch my order up if need be.
Thanks and nice to meet you all!

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