

In the Brooder
Apr 6, 2021
Hi There!

My name Is Becca and I recently bought a house with some property In Polk County, FL. After years of knowing about BackYard Chickens I finally have the opportunity to put all the valuable information to use! I just picked up my first batch of chicks which consists of Easter Eggers, Barred Rocks, Black Sex Links and Speckled Sussex. The next batch will have Russian Orloffs, Rhode Island Whites, Olive Eggers, and Blue Australorps. I know!!! So many different types! I like variety, what can I say? LOL I have 12 of these adorable, noisy poop raptors at the moment and plan on having 20-22 in total. I also have two rottweiler pups, sisters who are just over a year old and have planned my chicken coop and very large pen area to be surrounded by my elevated garden beds, which will in then turn be separated from my main property by a 4 ft privacy fence. Peace for the chickens and visual distraction from the chickens for my rotties. If it moves, they gotta chase it. I also have cats in the house. My other hobby is motorcycles, I ride them, I buy them and fix them, I just love them and always have. I currently work from home in the medical field but I am also a vet technician.

I wish you all healthy chicken raising, bountiful egg laying, or healthy eating, lol, whatever your preference is.

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