
Oct 14, 2022
Jersey Shore, NJ
My Coop
My Coop

This is not my first time using my pet chicken due to using my mothers account (Lay-A-Organic) so much. Since I did my mother told me to make my own. I am highly knowledgable about this subject and for years enjoyed giving people advice. I hope I will be able to help this community much more now that I have my own account.
I have two roosters and eight hens. These being a Rhode Island Red (RIR) rooster (Ginger), a Light Brahma (Sapphire), a Dominique (Blizzard), a Silver Cuckoo Moran (Silver), a Golden Laced Wyandotte (Sweet Pea), a Red Orpington (Scarlett), a Jubilee Orpington (Aurora), a Partridge Olive Egger (Olive), and a Blue/Black Splash Americauna (Opal). All of these chickens were from feed stores and from online except my second rooster. He was raised by our broody chicken, Silver, but was the offspring Ginger and Scarlett. We call this new breed a Rhode Island Red Orpington, and we named it Rosco (we may change that later). Thank you for reading and here are some pics: The first is Olive. The second pic show Blizzard(left) and Aurora(right). Next is a pic from left to right of Sweet Pea, Silver, and Blizzard. Then we have from left to right. Scarlett, Aurora, and Silver. The big guy in the front was one of our old Lavender orpington roosters Earl. Next is a pic of Opal followed by one of Rosco. And lastly, from left to right in the last pic we have Sapphire and Ginger.

This is not my first time using my pet chicken due to using my mothers account (Lay-A-Organic) so much. Since I did my mother told me to make my own. I am highly knowledgable about this subject and for years enjoyed giving people advice. I hope I will be able to help this community much more now that I have my own account.
Welcome to BYC!!

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