
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

So glad you decided to join us. Quail are SO much fun to keep! What breed....Coturnix? Quail are smart and fun little birds for sure. If you have any questions about them, be sure to ask. Welcome to our community!
They are gambel quail I believe. I’ll be sure to ask questions about them. :)
They are gambel quail I believe. I’ll be sure to ask questions about them. :)
Ooh...Gambles are gorgeous birds! They can be very flighty, try and handle them a LOT as babies. They will need at least 4 or more square feet per bird in their permanent enclosure. And add branches and such for hidey places, they like a LOT of privacy.
Ooh...Gambles are gorgeous birds! They can be very flighty, try and handle them a LOT as babies. They will need at least 4 or more square feet per bird in their permanent enclosure. And add branches and such for hidey places, they like a LOT of privacy.
Yeah I’ve been trying to get them used to me since I got them yesterday, but they are very scared still, any advice on getting them acclimated to me? As for a their enclosure I was going to build a pen in my backyard since there’s plenty of space and shade
Yeah I’ve been trying to get them used to me since I got them yesterday, but they are very scared still, any advice on getting them acclimated to me? As for a their enclosure I was going to build a pen in my backyard since there’s plenty of space and shade
Unfortunately they may never not be skittish around you, but if you can get them past the "Im terrified, don't eat me" stage, you are doing good. Pick each one up and carry it around the room several times a day. You can also take them into a small room, some place they won't get lost, lay down an old sheet and sit with them on the floor. They will naturally be terrified, but you will be more familiar than being in a strange place. They will naturally cling to you, hopefully, and this trust will get them to bond with you more.

Make sure your pen has a solid bottom, they don't do well on wire. And either give them a very low ceiling or a very tall ceiling. They are so jumpy, they can fly up into the ceiling and break their necks.

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