
Aug 12, 2023
i am a new member from central florida!! i take care of 4 (spoiled) pekin ducks named lenny, ming-ming, marshmallow (marshie for short), and pearl; along with 5 black bellied whistling ducklings named duck norris, milkshake, peter parker, & gizmo and stripe from gremlins :D
when i am not a duck mom i am a highschool art student (and totally definitely not batman on the side).
other important things about me are that im a genderfluid lesbian & go by any pronouns, i also have adhd, ptsd, and gad amongst other stuff, i do archery competitively, and i practice dragonic witchcraft.
it may be weird but my ducks are like my children, its very therapeutic for me to be around them; whether im cleaning out their pen or not. i love them all so much i can’t describe.
i want to introduce them now!!
we got the pekins when they were 2 days old. they were born april 6th, 2023!
marshie is unfortunately our only female currently :( once mating season starts however we may have to rehome the extra boys if we do not have females to balance out the ratio. she is very sassy and doesn’t take crap from anyone, duck or human. shes tried to insight riots when she doesnt want to go into their house at night and finds her way under my window in the mornings so she can bark at me for lettuce and worms. she likes to be an alarm for me in her free time.
lenny is smart but yet lacks common sense. he has fallen into our pool multiple times, thinks that my jacket is lettuce because its green like lettuce, expects me to hide worms in my armpits, tries to walk through doors and walls, and much more.
ming-ming was named after ming-ming from wonder pets!! i even made him a wonder pet cape for him when he was a baby. hes very chill and does his own thing, but he does try to eat me with his siblings if i dont give them an endless supply of worms.
pearl is a JERK, hes our biggest male so u can expect why he acts like that 😒. funnily enough he doesnt have any drake feathers while the other boys have multiple. maybe its karma or maybe hes trying to act tough to make up for his lack of man feathers.
the babies were found abandoned in my granddads yard, we looked for any other ducks or ducklings around and for a nest but there was absolutely no sign of any evidence that ducks where even in the area. we took them home and are currently raising them, they fly and migrate when they are older so they may go off on their own ways when they’re adults; it’ll be very sad to see them leave but theyre returning to their natural home, we just want to make sure they have a future and can properly take care of themselves when they’re back in the wild. theyre so young they dont really have personalities yet. but peter parker is unhinged and runs around everywhere, even tries climbing the walls once in a while. they live in a little ten on our porch because they escape our usual duckling pen and we’re scared they will get into something and hurt themselves.
anyway thats all for now!!! have a good day/night everyone and take care!!
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Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Nice introduction! Your Ducks sound adorable, ❤ love the names! You will definitely need to rehome at least all but one of the males. They will gang up on her to mate and its very possible this will kill her, too many males can drown females trying to mate them if all are in a pool.

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