hello :)


In the Brooder
May 12, 2024
Hello! I am starting my chicken flock this year. I have experience with birds and quails but I've never had my own chickens before! I'm known around town as the lady that delivers quail eggs.

My main goal is to support a large homestead and to sell eggs, meat, and chicks at market. I'm expecting to need to process about 20 birds/month. I also want beautiful eggs from super tough birds that can survive the remote woods in Montana.

My current flock includes a Lavender Ameraucana rooster and 4 BYCs, mostly black australorp EEs (I think? Photo below). I recently purchased a dozen chicks - buff orpingtons, cream legbars, Red Bourbon turkeys, one barred chick, one gold-laced chick. My brother has some young pullets that be laying soon (EEs) so I'll be bringing some of those into my flock too.

Currently I am hatching some pure Ayam Cemanis and a few chicks from my Lavendar roo + the BYC hens. I need pure lavender hens to get some of the pretty coloring I desire so I'm starting there first.

My favorite thing about chickens is their personalities! I loved my quails but they never seemed to really "like" me. These chicks sit on my shoulder and fight over who gets picked up first. They make such pretty little noises and I can watch them all day honestly.

Hello! I am starting my chicken flock this year. I have experience with birds and quails but I've never had my own chickens before! I'm known around town as the lady that delivers quail eggs.

My main goal is to support a large homestead and to sell eggs, meat, and chicks at market. I'm expecting to need to process about 20 birds/month. I also want beautiful eggs from super tough birds that can survive the remote woods in Montana.

My current flock includes a Lavender Ameraucana rooster and 4 BYCs, mostly black australorp EEs (I think? Photo below). I recently purchased a dozen chicks - buff orpingtons, cream legbars, Red Bourbon turkeys, one barred chick, one gold-laced chick. My brother has some young pullets that be laying soon (EEs) so I'll be bringing some of those into my flock too.

Currently I am hatching some pure Ayam Cemanis and a few chicks from my Lavendar roo + the BYC hens. I need pure lavender hens to get some of the pretty coloring I desire so I'm starting there first.

My favorite thing about chickens is their personalities! I loved my quails but they never seemed to really "like" me. These chicks sit on my shoulder and fight over who gets picked up first. They make such pretty little noises and I can watch them all day honestly.

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Welcome. Your chickens are gorgeous.

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