
Yeah, they definitely don't like people. The bears came at night when we were sleeping, which is why we didn't know the first night. The second night we were too late and they were already in the coop and didn't care. Then I set up my "red neck alarm" and they haven't been back. I like to think they're scared of the alarm (I think the pictures are somewhere in the thread. If not, maybe another). The dog might be helping too
Bears are terrified of dogs. Last summer a bear was hanging around and the neighbors dog treed a bear, bear came around their yard for several days and eventually the dog ran the bear off completely. So yes, your dog should be of big help!
Bears are terrified of dogs. Last summer a bear was hanging around and the neighbors dog treed a bear, bear came around their yard for several days and eventually the dog ran the bear off completely. So yes, your dog should be of big help!
He usually is. He was just off watching a dead animal in the neighbors yard. That's when the first attack happened. We had to lock him up to stay home so something else would take the dead thing, and the bears took that as another chance to get my chickens. Now he is back out. And my other dog is inside because she's in heat.

Welcome to BackYard Chickens! We're happy that you joined us! :woot
So sorry about your loss. Have you tried Nite Guard yet? Supposedly they keep everything away, including bears. (They're also having a Flash Sale today, FYI.) I've never tried them (I don't have a huge predator problem where I currently live), but I'd like to try them out someday and I've seen them advertised in a lot of chicken magazines and catalogs. They're solar powered, so running electricity to them is not a worry.
I've never heard of them! I'll have to do some research! Thanks for letting me know:)

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