

6 Years
May 11, 2013
Dardanelle, Arkansas
I just joined the group this morning. We live in small town, Arkansas and have a chicken tractor with 2 hens and a rooster. I just became a Grandma. Our chicks have started hatching today! We had a hen that went broody and decided to take advantage. We have only had chickens for a year and don't know a whole lot about babies. Will my rooster harm them if we leave them all in the same coop? Do we need to move mom and babies out? Special feeding instructions? Any pointers at all appreciated. :)

Roosters are usually very good with chicks and may even help the hen raise them. The chicks will need chick starter food (which the hen can eat as well) for the first few weeks and then you can switch to grower. Make sure you offer them water in shallow dishes so the chicks don't accidentally drown. Have fun!
Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan

I would say the answer is maybe. Some adult birds tolerate chicks fine, others can be quite aggressive and even kill chicks. It is usually best to separate broody hens until their chicks are a little older and able to avoid the bigger birds in the pen. If you are going to leave them together, watch closely for any problems such as chicks suddenly disappearing.

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