

In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 15, 2014
Queensland, Australia
Hello I have 4 pekin bantams, 2 Rhode Island reds, 4 kharki campbell ducks, 3 muscovy ducks and 6 guinea fowls. I am incubating 6 kharki campbells eggs, this is my first experience incubating so I'm learning as I go, 2 of my eggs I'm sure are fertile as they have the veins showing now but the other 4 I'm not sure yet as they haven't been incubated as long so I'm waiting! I have a home made incubator so I hope it's sufficient enough, I have been keeping close vigil on the humidity and temp. I'm confused though some people say not to keep the humidity high and others say it doesn't matter? I think I need some advice please? :/

Welcome to BYC!

Sounds like you have a lovely flock!

I am not sure about duck eggs and their incubating. So you might want to chat with our Duck experts in the Duck section on the humidity levels for your eggs...


Good luck with your hatch and keep us posted on it!

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