Hello :-)


In the Brooder
May 26, 2015
I am a new bird owner this year :) we got 4 hens that were hatched last fall and a rooster that was last springs hatching. Oh and two pekin ducklings that were day olds that we brooded in the house. Anyhow my chickens are RIR's and they are already laying on an "almost daily" routine :) they aren't the cute and cuddly chickens I get to pet, but since I didn't brood them myself I didn't really expect they would be. Anywho, been peeking around here for a while and have finally decided to join and get some questions answered :)
Hi, welcome to BYC!

Yes, RIRs are great layers!

I love my Pekins! They lay better than my chickens!
I think you are wishing they would be more sociable - than just good layers. I don't know if that is likely to change since they are adults. Chickens do love treats and who ever holds the bucket will get the most attention. There are other breeds that are friendlier to people, if you wanted to try some others.
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Sounds like you have a nice flock. I love small flocks! I have 5 hens myself and love how I can get to know each of their personalties and characteristics so well. I have cuddly, pet chickens too. Love them to bits! Glad you joined our flock! Feel free to ask any questions you may have. Good luck with your flock!
Thank you everybody! I held two of my girls tonight with no pecking!! And then the one we call Henrietta even let me pet her for five minutes after I set her down :-D I am positively (dorky) happy about it! Now if only I could get one of them to brood a small batch of eggs for me......

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