

Apr 24, 2015
I already posted my first thread outside of here, but I will do the requisite introduction as well! I've always wanted chickens. I've been stalking BYC for a while and finally got my first chickens about 7 weeks ago. One reason is that we now live in a town that allows chickens. I've always lived in HOA communities that didn't allow them.

My 6 yr old daughter now brags to everyone that we have 9 pets: 6 chickens, 2 lizards, and a dog. A dog that wants so badly to catch a chicken. Hopefully, that never happens with good backyard management!

I'm excited to watch my little hens grow!
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided join our flock. A lot of us were lurkers before joining. :eek:) Raising chickens is a wonderful experience for children. My 7 year old granddaughter (pictured in my avatar) loves our chickens. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your flock.
Welcome to Backyard chickens. Please be very careful with the dog, what he wants he will end up getting. Dogs are very persistent and always looking for their big chance.

I know I used to raise dog many years ago.
I think you're right on. I don't want to be naive about dog behavior. I'm putting some strict rules in place. IF the chicks get to free range, it's only it the dog is locked out of the backyard. Also I keep the run and coop locked when I'm not around. I invested in a well built run/coop combo that he can't access.

I'm disappointed. He's a rescue boxer that's been perfect in every other way!
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Glad you joined this community! Sounds like you have a nice variety of animals. I'm sure you and your daughter are enjoying them
Good luck to you!

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