HELP! 1 chick died another is puffed up

City Hippie

In the Brooder
Mar 12, 2015
I am new to raising baby chicks. I lost one last night and have another that is puffed up today. I noticed that the chicks had poop stuck all over their butts so I cleaned their bottoms with a quip and warm water. Does anyone know why one of my chicks is puffed up? Any suggestions or help would be much appreciated. I bought them from tractor supply 2 days ago, the brooder is at a perfect temp iam feeding them non medicated starter crumble for chicks. Their poop is a brown color. Any suggestions?

The puffed up chick is on the far right. Thank you!
It's probably shipping stress, since TSC gets their's in the mail like the rest of us. They can get chilled and dehydrated. Get some vitamin and electrolytes, such as SaveAChick or use Gatorade or Pedialyte, and dip the beak into the warm solution while letting it swallow, as often as you can tonight. Check butts daily, and clean them off. This usually subsides within the first week.
Thank you so much! I also purchased some Corid, would it hurt to treat them profalactically?

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