HELP! 10 day old chick constant gaping?!


7 Years
Jan 31, 2012
Santa Monica Mountains So Cal
So at five days I took her to the vet for a little gaping, head shaking, and loss of balance. He said she seemed emaciated. He prescribed an antibiotic called Septra SMZ TMP. She was doing OK, though not thriving the way the other 3 are. Then today she started a constant gaping accompanied by stretching her neck out. What is it? what can I do?

They are on sand. I switched from pine shavings as my vet thought they could cause inflammation in some animals. Their diet is organic chick starter. And twice a day scrambled egg with yogurt and starter and twice a day meal worms. And water has electrolytes.

Today she is not eating or drinking either. Temps are good, the others are happy and healthy.

Any ideas?!
has she had access to grit? Did the vet check for parasites? I don't know if chicks can get gapeworm, but f it was an adult that would be my guess.
I'm so sorry to hear that :( I just lost my 6 month old girl 2 days ago to the same exact thing you described. I had also brought her to the vet, and they told me it was a neurlogical injury. Still not convinced that's what it was, but regardless, she is in a better place now, and so is your little girl.

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