HELP! 2 day old with pasty butt and hemorrhoid??


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 18, 2010
Northern Rhode Island
Is that normal - to have what looks like a hemorrhoid with a pasty butt? I've clean it's butt as best as I could, will go back in a bit and clean some more. I just picked them up from the post office
I had one who looked like it had a hemorrhoid, which bothered me a little. That same chick (4 weeks old) is less "swollen" but is now sporting a red hot comb. Coincidence? I dunno...heh!
The "hemerrhoid" is probably what is called rough navel; don't mess with it - it should just dry up & you won't even know it's there in a week or so. Do a search for rough navel on here & you should find some posts with pics that can verify it for you.

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