Help 4 week old chicks. Are they Pullets?


13 Years
Mar 17, 2010
I got six chicks for my birthday and I need to know if they are all pullets as I was told. What kind are they also. I was told the are barred Rock and aucanas?







Thank you so much, K
look at the neck feathers hens are rounded on the ends and roosters are pointed feathers except for sebrights and i think one other breed which i forget you will have to look close because multi colored or white edged feathers are hard to see

the two black and white are barred rock and i general the hens tend to be darker in color as well as rounded feathers but the color method is not as accurate as the feather method

the other two ??? i don't know partrige cochin welsummer hens english game mixed breed????
The gentleman who sold them to me said they were Araucana, But they don't look like the pictures I have seen on this web site. He said the black and white were barred rock?
The barred rocks are pullets. Not sure what breed your other ones are but they look to be pullets as well. Wish I could be more help, then that..
With the green legged ones, EE's possibly, look real close at the combs, if it looks like 1 comb row it's a girl, if it looks like 3 rows, it's a boy. It worked on mine.
I am not so sure about pullets on the BR. Those combs are pretty prominent for 4 weeks old pullets. The others look like Easter Eggers, and they do have the look of pullets.

Good luck!

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