Help! 5 Week Old Chicks PECKING and BLEEDING!

I had a problem with several of my chicks ganging up on one chick. Well they are all grown up now and just recently I noticed that 5 of my 6 hens have bare butts. When I say bare I mean bright shinning pink rears! I use a red brooder bulb. Well I just happened to be standing on the back deck and saw the 1 chicken with a nice big fluffy butt was going around behind the other chickens and gooching them on the rear and pulling out feathers! The one doing the picking was the little girl that was picked on when they were younger. She is getting her revenge on the rest of them now. I said all that to say this, a bored chicken is a trouble making chicken. I found some mesh netting and put raw cauliflower and broccoli in it and hung it in the coop. They have to work to get the reward. I also put a mirror in the coop so that they think they are sparring with a chicken but it is just their reflection. Make sure it is a mirror made for birds so it is unbreakable.I wouldn't want any glass for them to get hurt on. They love grapes and carrots. These I put in a Kong(doggie toy) so they have to work to get anything out. The whole idea is to give them things to occupy them.Good Luck!

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