Help- 7 week old silkie with wry neck

It’s a 8 week old silkie I hatched. She she is in day 8 of head turning. I have outside in a cage next to her hatch mates and she is happier and her head is up a little more than it’s down. She may have gotten knocked about by her hatch mates before we separated her. The others are fine but she has always been the smallest. I switched to non- medicated from medicated when we noticed this head twisting.
Day 9 she seems to be improving. Perhaps she will get through this. Being outside near her siblings seems to help too.
Day 20 she has improved. She leans ever so slightly once In Awhile to the right. Otherwise she seems fine. I still give her the vitamin e once a day. When should I pull that back? I was doing twice a day until a few days ago.
Day 20 she has improved. She leans ever so slightly once In Awhile to the right. Otherwise she seems fine. I still give her the vitamin e once a day. When should I pull that back? I was doing twice a day until a few days ago.
Glad to hear she has improved!
If she were mine, I would see how she does with the once a day, if she's doesn't decline, then start tapering if off more, say to every other day and so on until you have eliminated it.

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