HELP!!!! 911!!! Chicken vs. Dog. (Update)

perhaps you know someone with a small child that might have some pedialyte ? even gatorade (dilute a wee bit) would help... keep dribbling along beak and offer her some yogurt if you have some...
You can also use the sterile saline to flush the eye out (and I really do suggest you flush that bite wound)
I just remembered that I have some saline eye solution for contact lenses. Will that work? I've boiled the home made saline I am just waiting for it to cool.
One of my hens survived a dog attack following all of the previously posted advice. The only thing I would add would be something for pain: an aspirin crushed in water. Search this site for the exact dosage.
I've been giving her a little bit of water. I don't have any electilites. She's been taking a bit of it. I gave her some plain yogurt and she kinda licked at it (I saw her tounge), I flushed the wound with saline solution. She stood up and was looking around just before I flushed the wound. Now she's laying back down sleeping. I think the flushing probably hurt. I found healed tears in her skin around her tail and she's bald there. I'm assumining that was from my rooster? I think she will be okay if she can pull through this shock. The wound doesn't seem to be life threatening. I'm sure she's in pain. Looks painful but not bleeding at all. I just lost a hen to the same dog a couple of weeks ago. We made an extra pen around the chicken coupe/yard. This little hen slipped out of the coupe's yard (enclosed with chicken wire) and out the bigger chicken yard (made from Hog wire). She's a sneaky one! I've got to rethink the whole yard now. The roo and 5 other hens are cochins so they can't slip out of the yards as easily as my EE can. THey are just too big.
Yes, electrolytes...I totally forgot about electrolytes

I always keep the unflavored type on hand for such emergencies. (Pedialyte) You really never know when you'll need it.
She's probably very stressed and tired and in pain. Sleeping is a natural reaction to that--when you are very sick or stressed out, you probably would really like to just lay around and sleep too. I know I do. Let her rest, it will help her.

If you have access to some, it would be good if you could give her some systemic antibiotics, either in food or as an injection. It will help prevent internal infections getting started from the puncture wounds. Clean the wound the best you can, saline is actually better than hydrogen peroxide, as the peroxide slows down healing. And an antibiotic ointment like neosporin, or nitrofurazone ointment for horses would be good to put into the wound after washing.

Keep her drinking and eating and that should be a big help in itself. Whatever food she will eat, even if it's just junk food for a couple of days, she needs the energy from food to recover.
Today my little hen is still wanting to sleep. I have to hand water/feed her because she won't take anything on her own. She keeps one eye only partally open while the other eye is all the way open. She did try to drink water from the bowl on her own lastnight and totally missed the bowl. Can a chicken survive with vision in only one eye? She seems like she has poor balance too. She is standing up somtimes, not for long though and only when i'm messing with her to feed. She is still breathing good and she is warmed up. All she wants to do is sleep. She is only taking small amounts of yogurt, no crumble yet. Anything more I can do??

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