Help! A dog attacked my hen!

Wow, 6 days and she's ready to go back with the others! I can't believe how quickly chickens heal. Great job!

I'd think you'd want to be sure the others don't peck at her. It would be a shame if all your hard work was picked open.
It's looking so much better--I'm so glad the green was bruising. I have made some easy saddles in the past out of one piece of polarfleece with 2 wing slits cut out. She really does needs some protection since she is so bare. With feathers it takes at least 3-4 weeks for them to grow in, but since it on her back, hers may not grow in until after her molt. Before you put her back in the flock she needs to be in a cage in the coop for awhile, and then closely observe her during integration. I might even let her out with them with supervision when she gets her saddle, because they might still recognize her. You all did a great job with her.
That is really a great she has healed up so fast. I would do a chicken saddle like Eggcessive suggests too. The polar fleece is easy to make doesn't fray and holds up well. Perfect for those of us that can't sew worth a darn. Glad your girl is doing so well. Grats on your healing skills!

I had a saddle on one of my lower pecking order hens, (a roo injury) the others tweaked out from what she had on. (was a weird blue and green geometric pattern) She moved up in pecking order wearing her saddle/cape, was funny watching others tweak and run from her.
I would agree with using a saddle - esp if you have a rooster. He might jump on her & rip open the wound or cause infection with his dirty feet on her back.

Also would be good to make sure she gets some sun on her back, but for brief periods. Enough to help with healing but not enough to cause sunburn. Keep up with the ointment though, so she doesn't dry out too much.

Yay for picture update!
The Update:
It has been ten days since the attack:
Every night we put some more antibiotic ointment on the wound along with some hydrogen peroxide. She is starting to grow back her feathers! She also laid an egg today too!

The wound has healed SO much:

Can you see the feathers growing back??

Today she tried to get out of her box!
She must be anxious to get back with the other girls!

She is doing great!
Glad she's doing better. Just for future reference, signs of infection would be redness, and swelling. The skin would also be hotter to the touch. Gangrene is black and feels a little squishy. The edges of gangrene are usually defined, like you drew it with a sharpie. It doesn't usually fade into normal skin color.
The Update: It has been two weeks since the attack. Her wound has healed and she has laid 3 eggs during her confinement. She is doing REALLY great! Her feathers are rapidly growing back!
Here are some pics:

Below: The sixteenth of April. The feathers are starting to come in!

Below: Today, the eighteenth of April. Progress!

Yea! Go Ruby!
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