Help a new worried timer


Apr 20, 2017
Hello chick friends. I’m worried about my little baby chick, I’m incubating 3 silkie chickens who is 9 days today all three were moving yesterday and I wanted to look at them today as well and one of the baby’s I see the body but isn’t moving, there’s still vens. No death ring. Any thoughts?
Hello chick friends. I’m worried about my little baby chick, I’m incubating 3 silkie chickens who is 9 days today all three were moving yesterday and I wanted to look at them today as well and one of the baby’s I see the body but isn’t moving, there’s still vens. No death ring. Any thoughts?
If there aren’t any rings of death and the veins still appear healthy it is most likely okay. Sometimes they are just less active at times. Are you able to post a picture? It may help a little
If there aren’t any rings of death and the veins still appear healthy it is most likely okay. Sometimes they are just less active at times. Are you able to post a picture? It may help a little
This would be day 11
My reaction to your first picture was "Oh no! Doesn't look good". It's lost the definition of the veins and has take on a cloudy appearance. Both bad signs. But that's only going off a photo. It's your egg. Only you can decide when it's gone.

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