HELP!!!!!!!!!!! ALL of my hens have stopped laying eggs!

I have 25 linear feet of roosts at various heights around my coop.

My dozen chickens stubbornly sleep on the floor of the coop.

My chickens sleep on the roost when they're in the hen house, but if I let them out, they stubbornly sleep on their old coop, which they didn't even like to begin with.
I feel your pain. lol
my husband asked me to find out the size of everyones roosts, he is going to change them and was wondering what others use.

I have about 16 ft for 11 chickens (2 roos + hens, but one's a banty).
I have 2 pallet ... IDK what they're called, I've been calling them "ribs", the main bars that the slats are attached to. Anyway, I have two of those at slightly different heights going diagonally across my hen house.
They don't seem crowded, but they make a big difference between the ever-so-slightly higher bar.
(Just between you and me, if I could give them more space, I would, but they don't look crowded or anything, so I have bigger fish to fry.)
I have 24 hens and 2 roosters I still get 7 to 10 eggs a day it was -45 out side this last week I live in Wisconsin. I have a heat lamp that comes at 5 in the morning an shuts off at 6 at nite the hens need lite. i try to keep it about 0 in the house and feed them a lot of corn during the day and warm water twice a day. i sell the eggs i do get to the locale feed store cause there hens quit laying.
I have 24 hens and 2 roosters I still get 7 to 10 eggs a day it was -45 out side this last week I live in Wisconsin. I have a heat lamp that comes at 5 in the morning an shuts off at 6 at nite the hens need lite. i try to keep it about 0 in the house and feed them a lot of corn during the day and warm water twice a day. i sell the eggs i do get to the locale feed store cause there hens quit laying.
i have 29 hens 2 roosters i feed them corn only at 3:30 pm and then i also fill the feeder with 1/3 wheat brain and 3/4 laying pellets i use a bucket to fill the feeders, i also put laying pellets in feeder in the morning, i use a reg, light for light comes on at 5pm off at 8pm back on at 5am and off at 8am, we let them out if there is no rain or snow, we do not free ranch as dogs here would kill them, i get 17 to 22 eggs a day, we do have 2 hens we don't think are laying. we are talking about makeing a covered run for bad weather but we will see, also talking about new coop.
I have the same problem. my hens were laying 3 - 4 eggs every day until about a week ago. Now I get 1 - 2. I saw a post that someones hens were eating the eggs? Yesterday I found an egg in the nest with yolk on the outside of it, but no shell pieces. Could my hens be eating the eggs? They are young, only about a year old. No molting yet.
Mine are slacking too:(. I have twelve and I've gotten three eggs this week. Of course there has been the combining of two flocks together so I imagine they are stressed.
I have integrated a couple flocks and haven't gotten much eggs neither. Hopefully they get done molting from stress soon.

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