Help and advice needed


In the Brooder
Aug 20, 2016
Hi i have 6 eggs in incubator 3 have hatched and just waiting for them to dry off before removing them, problem is one of the unhatched eggs has a small bit of shell missing but the membrane still looks in tack and as gone white its at top of egg in middle the chick is chirping inside but im not sure if this is a pip or if one of the other chicks has done it, can or would the other chicks peck at the unhatched eggs
Have wet the membrane an the chick broke a bit more off but nothing since the other egg is the same they are pecking only at where they have already done an not moving around to unzip should i be worried ,or how long should i give them before i start to worry they have been like this now for nearly 6 hours
Have wet the membrane an the chick broke a bit more off but nothing since the other egg is the same they are pecking only at where they have already done an not moving around to unzip should i be worried ,or how long should i give them before i start to worry they have been like this now for nearly 6 hours

They have to absorb the yolk. It could take up to 24 hours , if they are not shrink wrapped,I would let them hatch on their own.

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