Help and coop almost done


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 20, 2009
Hi All,

Just putting the finishing touches on my new coop and I need some advice.
I am ready to cut the hole for their door to get outside. How tall and wide should it be? I have 4 Buff Orpingtons, an Australorp, and a Barred Rock.

How far off the ground should the roost be in the coop? Should the roost be near the door for them to get out?

I have been reading about poop pans...I have read 8inches UNDER the roost, would that mean that if the roost is 24" off the ground, subtract 8" for the poop pan. That leaves 16" from the ground to the poop pan...correct? Is 24" for the roost too high?

I am thinking of insulating the coop. do I need to cover the insulation w/osb the entire height of the coop? or just a few feet?
The front of my coop is 6ft grading down to 5ft in the back.

Sorry for all the questions, the chicks are getting BIG and I am feeling rushed to ccomplete this...

Thanks in advance for all of your help..

24 inches is fine, that should be high enough so the girls are happy but can also reach it.

If you insulate the coop you will need to cover the insulation because the chickens will try to eat it. I suggest the 1/4 inch paneling material at the big box stores. it's light and paintable. I covered mine from flor to roof but one sheet hight would be ok too. as for the poop pans I don't know (I don't use them) but 8 inches sound ok. Good luck with your coop and welcome to the chicken life(Americas fastest growing alternative lifestyle:D )
Thanks for the reply..

How about the door for the chickens to leave the coop? What size should it be and where in relation to the roost should it be? Can it be anywhere?
I'd suggest putting the chicken door out of the coop on the usually-downwind side (unless you are in a constantly hot climate, in which case you might deliberately put it upwind). Arranging coop furniture (feeder, waterer, etc) is a little easier if the popdoor is towards a corner rahter than right in the middle of the wall but it is not a big deal if it has to be in the middle of a wall.

Biggest thing -- I highly recommend cutting it well ABOVE the floor of the coop, so there will be a deep sill below it to keep bedding from getting kicked out. Mine are 6-12" above the floor of the coop, which, when you add the depth of the bedding, works out pretty well.

I mention this because it is annoying to be kickin' yourself AFTER you've cut the hole... ask me how I know <g>

Have fun,

I agree with patandchickens, down wind and with a good 6 - 12" above the floor. Make the chicken door easily accessible by humans from atleast one side. Because hinges break, and things get stuck in the (or they freeze shut after a snow storm) door jam.

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