Help!!! Ants In The Coop!!!

Baking soda? Interesting! Wonder if we can find out if this really works or not.
I was hoping my chickens would eat ants, but NO. They don't like them! I read that ants in different areas of the country and also different species can taste acidic to the birds. Mine ate a few when they first went out in the yard and then stopped. I assume I don't have a good tasting ant out there?
HEY! How come I have the only chickens in the world that won't eat ants? We have tons of ants and they won't touch them. We just have plain everyday big and small ants, no fire ants. Can I lease a couple of ant destroying chickens from anyone?
Yeah, my chickens don't eat the ants either and I have ZILLIONS! Never thought about my ants tasting bad....
I tried baking soda and I think the ants just laughed at me.....they used it to build thier hill. I tried baby powder too....yet again they laughed. Now I use liquid seven dust in a pump up sprayer..................they don't laugh anymore!
And it is safe around the animals. And you can buy it concentrated @ Wal-mart for like $15.00! Lasts a long time too!
It would be good to know what kind of ants you have. We use terro and baits on the little sugar ants. It is syrup with boric acid in it. Boric acid will work on a variety of bugs. You just have to get them to eat it. Andro may be more effective for other types of ants.

Also, if you are scattering feed on the ground for your chickens you may be inviting trouble. Use the plastic hanging feeders for chickens and you won't get much spillage. Why waste chicken feed on ants and rodents?
I would think DE would do the trick since it works on the rest of mites, etc. I haven't had ants, just your standard snakes and possums. Lol

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