Help ASAP! Sudden weak chicken with twisted neck.


Jul 3, 2017
Modoc County, California
One of my teenage Polish hens (about three months old) went from being lively and jumping to being curled up on the ground as if sleeping, but her neck and head is twisted up underneath her breast and she's jerking his head side to side. I've picked her up and tried to straighten her out, but her head keeps curling back under and she's barely moving other than the jerking motion of her head. It's almost like she's having a seizure of some kind, but it's just her head and neck moving. What is wrong with her? This happened within the last 8 hours since this morning she and the others all appeared to move just fine.

I'm going to go and try and get a picture or video of her. Right now I've quarantined her away from the rest of the chickens she's penned with in case this is something contagious (though if it is, it may be too late, and hopefully it's something treatable).

Extra info. I don't think it's Marek's as I paid to have all my birds vaccinated when I purchased them. i know there's still a small chance, but is there anything else it might be?
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I thought i had this with one of my hens. Its called wry neck its not contagious. And can be fixed when caught early. here is a link to a different site that talks about it
there also many different post/ forums on here . also Youtube has many videos to. It can be cured if this is the case. I would separate it ASAP in a wire cage or reg dog create because it could end up getting pecked be the others by being the weakest one. Check its poop if its eating and drinking on its own. If not you'll need to hand feed an water it make sure it doesn't get dehydrated. Hope this helps
Okay, thank you! I did literally just now find in my chicken health book 'stargazing' which is pretty much the same as wry neck, though the head twisting can also be caused by a hard peck on the head, not just vitamin deficiencies. Given the sudden onset, I'm thinking it's more a good peck. Seems that Polish and Silkies, due to the crests, have softer skulls than other breeds...and I do have a fairly rowdy Leghorn cockerel penned with them my Polish chickens (plus a few leghorn hens). I may have to remove him it this is the case. I hope she will recover.
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Can you see a vet? It does sound neurological whether it is wry neck or seizure activity. Brain injuries, Mareks disease, thiamine (vitamin B1) or vitamin E deficiency, severe infectious diseases are some of the possible causes. I would separate her in a wire dog crate with food and water. You will need to try and get her drinking water (add electrolytes and vitamins when you get them.) Add some water to some chicken feed and make a mash with some egg and a tsp of plain yogurt. Wrap her in a towel and try to get her to eat some if she is awake enough. Give her the vitamin water, but make sure it contains E and thiamine. The egg will take care of selenium to help vitamin E uptake. Poultry Cell or NutriDrench would be good instead 2-3 ml daily.
I have mixed nutridrench into her water and have also wrapped her in a towel and straightened her up and fed her a little of the nutridrench in a syringe. She's sleeping right now, and her neck is a little straighter (not great, but better) than it was before when I found her (curled under almost between her legs). She's currently in a dog crate in the house right now so I can keep a close eye on her and she can (hopefully) recover in peace without being pecked on by all her flock mates.

@Eggcessive Unfortunately while the local vet has some experience with chickens, it is not their specialty. A large number of things I have asked them they told me they don't know and that I am more knowledgeable given my poultry books, particularly the Chicken Health Handbook. However, I am thankful that this website exists so that people like me can ask questions and seek help or get opinions. It is really, really helpful.
Okay, I did manage to get the video I made of the ill Polish pullet with my phone uploaded to the internet. Here:

I hope it is indeed wry neck or a peck on the head that's causing this and that she'll recover. I love all my chickens, no matter how many I have and it pains me to see this happening to one of them.

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