Help! Baby chick dying!


6 Years
Sep 3, 2013
Me and my family ordered 15 chickens and they arived last Tuesday on 9/13/16.
They have all been very healthy and happy babies and are all so very cute...
Today I came back fom school and went to check on them and I noticed one of them was so tired that when I held her in my hand, she would imediately go to sleep.
Later we checked on them and she was dying.... her eyes were closed and she looked like she was sleeping.
We put the other chicks in a seperate area so we could clean the brooder and when I felt her crop I noticed it was squishy and bloated.
I went on back yard chicken for information and am still not sure what she has....
We tried mixing feed and honey and water... she had trouble eating it and as soon as she drank the smallest peck the next second she was throwing it up.
We looked again and decided to try giving her sugar water.
I dipped her beak in it and she drank it... she seemed to enjoy it but then she threw it up too....
She won't open her eyes, and she has not pooped.
We are very worried and are not sure if she will make it through the night...
The others all seem very happy and packed together to sleep just a little while ago.
Please help if you can!
I'm very sorry but I don't have any answers for you. I would suggest you separate the little one and make it stays warm and has access to water.

Hopefully someone with a lot more experience will jump on to help you. Hoping the best for you andd the little one.

She's breathing and occasionally opens her beak - I don't know if she's gasping or trying to cheep. (No sound is coming out.)
I think that the crop being bloated could be the problem.... it's bloated and feels like its full of liquid and about to burst...
I think she cant chirp very well because of the bloating.... but I am not sure if that's the real promblem....
I am praying she lives through the night but I find it very unlikely...
Is your heat right? Do the bums look clean? Sounds more like dirty butts plugged up to me....Your heat needs to be set at 85 to 90 with cooler spots to get away from the heat...Water and food at all times..Just starter feed..
If fed anything else? Grit needs to be fed...

Sorry you lost one...Hope this helps?
Are your chicks on shavings in their brooder? It sounds like her crop isn't working and occasionally chicks will eat their bedding and it blocks them up. Try massage her crop gently in a downward motion... do you feel anything hard or lumpy in there? Also chickens really asked a great question about eating anything other than their chick food. If you give any treats you need to ensure they have chick grit. Have your chickens been outside on ground at all?
What type of feed are you feeding?
If you have fed anything other than Chick Starter, provide them with some chick grit.
As @chickencrack has suggested gently massage the crop downward only. Also check for pasty butt. Look to see if the vent is pasted over with poop, if so, gently wash her bum off so she can poop.

Let us know how she is doing.

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