Help baby chick struggling

The chick is still alive but no better. One of the chicks which was jumping about and eating yesterday died last night? Could it be something in there genes? I can't understand why a healthy one which was eating and drinking and running around just suddenly dies? My husband thinks they might be inbread? X
I know what sprayed legs are but thank you anyway. It's definitely not that. The chick seems to keep its head up but I really don't think it wyr neck. It seems to struggle to drink when I help it. It put it back with mum now but she seems to be very distance. Xx
I would be very cautious leaving a weak chick with a hen. If she senses a problem she may abandon it, or worse hurt it. I would be more inclined to keep it separate, or with just one other chick for company if it's strong enough for that.
I have put the chick back under the heat plate as mum didn't want it . I'm give the chick egg yok and some sugar water. Still extremely weak and its like the chicks head is heavy the way it just flops about x
Do the best you can to keep it warm and hydrated, and give it some time. Since it's made it 48 hours, I wouldn't give up just yet, but would be prepared to accept that it may not make it. Sometimes they just need encouragement to want to live. But as stated before, there is always the possibility that there is an underlying problem. I've nursed weak chicks that didn't make it, some that went on to live full, normal lives, some have succumbed at a later date to issues that were probably the reason they were weak as chicks, it's hard to know when they are so small, but I always try to give them a chance. At any point if you think it's suffering, it's perfectly acceptable to euthanize, that is a call that only you can make.
Make sure it has enough heat when I got my ducks one of them could not get out and looked like yours,After about 10-20 mins it walked,so try it out.

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