Help baby doves...


5 Years
Mar 8, 2014
Well my wife today was trimming bushes and cut a portion out with a dove nest in it.
Two hatchlings were in it, not sure of ages, no feathers yet and still had egg tooth on their beaks. One is slightly larger than the other one.
The nesting dove stuck around for a while, but would not come back to the nest. I sat and watched for an hour, but she just would go back to it and then finally flew off. Two hours later, still hadn't come back.
So now, the little ones are in my brooder. I fed them the suggested parrot food, which they ate. They also drank. Their eyes are not really open at all, and they don't seem to be walking yet.
I'm hoping they make it.
Well, I tried to hang the nest back up and the two adults came back but wouldn't go to the nest or the young ones.
So far so good. They are eating well out of the cut off feeding tube thing. Hopefully they can survive for more than two or three hours by the time I go back to work on Tuesday.
How old are they usually before their eyes open?
Well, they kind of open their eyes already, especially when they get cleaned.
And now they are moving around when they hear me come in the garage.
They are still kind of dopey though. How long before they get really active moving around?
Sorry for the questions, but these guys are way different than chickens or quail.

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