Help - baby quail with entire feet turned in


Apr 30, 2020
Hi I'm posting this for a friend. I've been raising quails for years and she just hatched her first. 3 of 8 had toes curled and she taped them at hatch. 1 is now fine, 1 has a slight turn to its foot and 1 is severely "pigeon toed". I've never seen this before and all I can find is curled toes and spraddle leg, which I know how to deal with. Has anyone seen this and how do we fix it?
They're 4 days old now. Here's another pic she sent me. This is how the poor baby stands.

I'd still try to tape them. The sooner the better! Also vitamin supplements, just to be safe.

She taped them for the curled toes and that straightened. She has tried and is unable to tape them to pull the entire foot to the side. If someone has a recommendation or pics? They are on vitamins.
Well its not a recommendation so much as an experience, but I failed to correct one of two feet of my barred rock hen and so one foot is pretty messed up but she gets along just fine. The issue was during the day when no one was at home, she kept getting the tape off that one particular foot. After five days of retaping, I quit. The other foot had tape stay on. It could be, even pidgeon toed, the bird is fine! Hopefully someone else can give some experience for you.
They're 4 days old now. Here's another pic she sent me. This is how the poor baby stands.

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Where did your friend get the eggs?

That looks like possible riboflavin deficiency to me. Any chance your friend can administer "two sequential daily 100-mcg doses for chicks or poults, followed by an adequate amount of riboflavin in feed"

It might not help (especially not this late—this deficiency has to be treated ASAP, or the sciatic nerve is permanently damaged) but it could.
Where did your friend get the eggs?

That looks like possible riboflavin deficiency to me. Any chance your friend can administer "two sequential daily 100-mcg doses for chicks or poults, followed by an adequate amount of riboflavin in feed"

It might not help (especially not this late—this deficiency has to be treated ASAP, or the sciatic nerve is permanently damaged) but it could.

I will pass this along. She got them from someone on Facebook. I had just moved mine and knew they wouldn't lay again for weeks. And honestly mine are older, I thought she would be better off this way but it appears not.
Hi I'm posting this for a friend. I've been raising quails for years and she just hatched her first. 3 of 8 had toes curled and she taped them at hatch. 1 is now fine, 1 has a slight turn to its foot and 1 is severely "pigeon toed". I've never seen this before and all I can find is curled toes and spraddle leg, which I know how to deal with. Has anyone seen this and how do we fix it?
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This happens when the temp is to low in the incubator. That will cause the hatch delayed of a couple of days and the curled feet.
This happens when the temp is to low in the incubator. That will cause the hatch delayed of a couple of days and the curled feet.
We both used the same incubator and both had chicks hatching at 15-16 days so they definitely weren't late but I will pass that along.

I've used the incubator for all my hatches for years and I've never seen legs turned inward before. Toes curled or spraddle leg, yes, on rare occasion, but not like this.

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