HELP! Badly injured chicken!


6 Years
Apr 7, 2013
Orlando Flordia
Just got back from a week vacation, and my mom told me that one of my five chickens was bold, bleeding, and bullied badly. I don't know what to do. The leader of the bully pack was my sweetest and most friendliest chicken but it lately has been ruthless. A month ago I introduced two chickens ( one of which is now injured) and at first they were lightly pecked at but as time went one they got nicely along. I don't know what happened. Any suggestions of what I should do?

Right, but are they normally allowed to free-range and were not because of your trip? I find most of my injuries when they've had to be confined to their coop/run for one reason or another (deep snow, vacations, etc). They're normally allowed to roam about an acre.
I would think so too, but my mom let them out daily just as I do throughout the week I was gone... this is truly a chicken mystery!!!


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