HELP! Bloocdy eye discharge and other things. Please help with info if you can


7 Years
Apr 17, 2012
Tonopah, NV
HELP!!!!! My heart hurts tonight. We have a sick fluffy butt. Sheila, one of our Andalusians has poofy eyelids, bloodshot eyes, and when dabbed, bloody discharge coming from her eyes, droopy comb, runny stool. She's not eating or drinking either. Her breathing/respirations are fine. She's in the house in a separate cage. Followed the med's instructions for eye worm and put a soaked cotton swab with Vet Rx on the cleft of her mouth and dabbed eyes. I used a syringe and gave her some water with electrolytes and then some Duramycin. She has yogurt in a small condiment bowl and water with electrolyEes in it. Eye worm? Some other sort of infection? What else can I do? She is so lethargic! - Mary
I forgot to say - Sheila is 11 months old and isn't eating or drinking. None of the other 35 chickens in our flock have any of these symptoms. - Mary

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