Help - Brooder Hen?


Jul 26, 2015
I have a hen that is now spending most of her time in the nesting boxes. We marked 4 eggs (laid by the other hens) to see if she would sit on them. She has now moved to another nesting box. We have a flock of 20 and other hens are laying on the 'marked' eggs I was hoping she would lay on. I'm so new to this, I'm not sure if I should scrap those eggs, see if she goes back or ? Will she only lay on eggs she has laid? Did I miss the boat so to speak? Any advice is appreciated! She is on the left, marked eggs in the nesting box below.

Try slipping them under her again. All my hens take right to any eggs they are given. However, they are a little picky about being bothered, handled, or moved while being broody, it sometimes causes them to stop or change locations.

Feel free to ask any other questions.

Best of luck!
She came out for break yesterday afternoon so I put the eggs in the box she was in last. When she returned she was back on the eggs. Here's to hoping all goes well today! I feel like a kid at Christmas... 21 days seems SO long though!

Update: she is now laying in ANOTHER box. I give up! Ok maybe I don't. Do I keep moving eggs around or just let her do her thing and hope she lays her own and sits on them!?
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