HELP, bubbles eyes and sneezing, mycoplasma?.


May 23, 2022
I am devestated and currently in tears over this and don’t know what to do.

I have had a small silky chick that I bought with 5 other chicks. It has been compromised from the beginning. It took weeks to heal its pasty butt, small etc. So a few days ago I noticed his eye seemed smaller and crusties were around it, I cleaned it up and it looked better the following day. Today I noticed tons of bubbles, like I cleaned it off and 5-10 min later it was covered again. This has been such a special baby to me but I made the call and my husband just just put him out of his misery so he is at piece now. I couldn’t do it and I can’t stop crying just over it.

Now I am mortified and beyond hysterical about the other 5 chicks indoors. But worse my 6 bigger juveniles outside that I have raised for months. They have not had direct exposure but I know there has been tons of cross contamination going back and forth.

What do I do. Do 100% all birds that come into contact test positive? I will just lose it if I have to cull them. These have literally been my PTSD chickens.

Thank you
Thank you so much. I have a tendency to nurse every sick animal back to health and then get extremely attached.

I just told my husband I should cull any sick chicks from the beginning moving forward if I want a strong healthy flock I know things happen but at least would lower the chances of certain things.

I got these chicks a month ago to put with a lonely one that I had to cull it’s sibling, so I don’t know which set of chicks or both could have had something.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Did you try to treat it with anything? Was it having such trouble breathing that it was best for it to be put down?
Some birds are weak to begin with and don't live long.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Did you try to treat it with anything? Was it having such trouble breathing that it was best for it to be put down?
Some birds are weak to begin with and don't live long.
Thank you! I have had them on probiotics, omegas and they get Nutridrench. I am going to go pick up the VetRX. Do you recommend anything else I can pick up?

One other chick is consistently sneezing so I did separate them. The other 3 are not, they sneeze but just on occasion.

This baby we culled probably would have died within days if I wouldn’t have given tlc to it 24-7. When I first got it I thought about culling just based on how bad and gapping it’s past butt was but I gave it a chance. It also hasn’t grown much when a few of its siblings exploded in size. It was just starting a bit of open mouth breathing but nothing crazy.
Thank you! I have had them on probiotics, omegas and they get Nutridrench. I am going to go pick up the VetRX. Do you recommend anything else I can pick up?

One other chick is consistently sneezing so I did separate them. The other 3 are not, they sneeze but just on occasion.

This baby we culled probably would have died within days if I wouldn’t have given tlc to it 24-7. When I first got it I thought about culling just based on how bad and gapping it’s past butt was but I gave it a chance. It also hasn’t grown much when a few of its siblings exploded in size. It was just starting a bit of open mouth breathing but nothing crazy.
I thought he was doing better and then the crazy sneezing and bubbly eye, that was so bad I could not see his eye!

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