HELP! Can I save this chick?


6 Years
Mar 8, 2013
I have a baby chick, I think approximately a week old - not sure tho -, She looks like a frog the way her legs are. She cannot stand at all, cannot walk, cannot even move around. I have tried to find a solution on the internet and have tried to brace her legs, but I can't get it right and I think I probably stressed her out more than anything. Also, her feet are dark and look a little swollen. Is there anything I can do to save her? Will she die from this? She is chirping and opens her eyes once in a while.
Has she had this issue since she hatched? If so she probably has Spraddle Leg is so here is a helpful link I hope she gets better!
I don't know for sure - I went to buy some chicks today and saw this one and they were going to let her die so I brought her home thinking I could help her - now I'm not so sure. Her feet are purple - I'm beginning to wonder if her feet are "dead" ... ? I'll try to post a pic
I would brace her legs (with a band-aid or something like that) and keep her on a surface with good traction.
Thank you for the replies. Unfortunately, she just passed :( I was so sure when I brought her home this morning that I could "save" her. I told myself I was not going to cry if she didn't make it, but of course I did - just a little....

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