HELP! Can't find Corid ANYWHERE

chick chicks

7 Years
Jun 10, 2012
Vancouver Island
I think one of my chicks has coccidiosis and I have called all the feed/vet/farm stores in my area and NOWHERE sells Corid or any other medications to treat coccidiosis is there anything I can do from home to treat it? Will the chick eventually die if not treated? What do I do? Please Help!!!!
Look under Amprolium or Sulmet. My guess would be that they have it but the high schooler answering the phone doesn't know what you are talking about. Go in person and find it. Cocci kills quickly. Just about all co-ops or tractor supply stores will have it. It may be in the swine or cattle sections. Corid isn't "approved" for chickens.
Also, I think the name brand is Amprol in countries outside the US. Like DaddyBird said, its not a specific medication to treat chickens. It's to treat cocci in cattle, but will work for chickens.

I did a quick search and I don't think Vancouver has Tractor Supply Co stores, but look for amprolium for cattle. In the US it comes in 20% powder and 9.6% liquid form.
We use Sulfadimethoxine soluble powder. It is only 17.95 for a big packet and you use less per gallon than Corid. They guy at my feed and seed store suggested it and it worked great. We had gone to 3 stores looking for Corid. We had some chicks that were really sick and they lived. Look it up online. :)
This something you need to have available ASAP so either a reliable local vendor is needed or better yet it should always be kept in the supply room just in case. Success against cocci infections is very much a time issue with vulnerable birds. Isolating sick birds keeping them on dry ground and warm will buy time. Feeding a medicated chick start may buy time but will not be nearly as effective as actually using Corid or equivalent.
I never tried this, but I hear giving buttermilk or regular milk will slow cocci. Maybe that will buy enough time until you find some amprolium.
Thank you everyone I had a feeling that the girl I talked to on the phone at buckerfields didn't quite know what she was talking about (She suggested a de-wormer that I already have) so I will go in myself and see if I can find it. In the mean time I will give them the chick some milk to try and slow it down. I haven't noticed the chick losing interest in his/her food and he/she isn't "acting" sick. If it is just shedding of the intestinal linings or something else other than coccicdiosis will giving the chick the meds hurt it?

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