HELP! Can't find Corid ANYWHERE

No, it won't harm her. Amprolium is just a thiamine blocker [cocci thrive on thiamine]. I would also give it to the rest of your flock. The treatment is for five days and do not give any supplemental vitamins while on amprolium. After the five days, give the flock either Sav-A Chick electrolytes or Nutri-Drench for poultry and I like to give probiotics while I'm at it.

If you find the 20% powder, its 1/2 teaspoon per gallon. I'm not sure about the quantities for the 9.6% liquid form.
I still haven't been able to find any medications to treat it, even after looking in the stores myself, so will it kill her in the end if not treated?
Have you looked for Amprol(amprolium)? In Manitoba it is called Amprol not Corid(this is the brand name). I purchase through my vet.
I never tried this, but I hear giving buttermilk or regular milk will slow cocci. Maybe that will buy enough time until you find some amprolium.
im having the same problem....girls do not act sick and they are eating and drinking but every now and then i find a strawberry like liquid with the going to try some milk now...and see if i can check amazon for the corid

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